In English class, we have prepared essays and created shoes to represent our character we have been given.

Side view, mud splotches representing dirty conditions in the black community.
Top view, showing a quote that my shoe is based off of.
The other side, showing words that describe Calpurnia.

My ‘In Their Shoes’ project is based on character Calpurnia. Calpurnia works for the Finch’s and cooks and cleans all day everyday. She also acts as a motherly figure to the Finch kids. Calpurnia is a very respectful, caring, kind, and disciplinary person. You will see a lot of different sides to her and I have stated some along with quotes to show some (not all) of the different sides we see of Cal.

At one point in the book Calpurnia stated “… if you can’t act fit to eat at the table you can just set here and eat in the kitchen.” (page 33) this quote tells me that even though Calpurnia isn’t the kid’s’ mother she won’t have them acting rude to people, in this case Scout being rude to Walter Cunningham. Cal is a black woman but she can read and write as well as or better than some whites- “That Calpurnia led a modest double life never dawned on me.”(page 167). Cal changed how she talked when she was around blacks versus when she was around whites. One time in the story Calpurnia had to watch Jem and Scout while Atticus was gone for business and so Calpurnia took the kids to church and Scout noticed something different and said “Cal” I asked, “Why do you talk nigger-talk to your folks when you know it’s not right.”(page 167). I find Calpurnia as a very respectful character throughout this book. She also has a very tender and caring side to her also and we see that in some parts of the story. Scout is having a bad day and Jem is being rude because he’s growing up and is realizing that maybe hanging out with his sister isn’t as cool as he thought so Cal was trying to help and this quote in the book shows that, ‘Baby, said Calpurnia, “I just can’t help it if Mister Jem’s growin’ up. He’s gonna want to be off to himself a lot now, doin’ whatever boys do, so you just come right on in the kitchen when you feel lonesome. We’ll find lots of things to do in here.”(page 153-154). This quote shows to me that Calpurnia is also a very kind and caring person. Also that she has a soft side other than her disciplinary side towards the kids.  

For my shoes I am going to do two shoes with completely different meanings. One shoe will represent Calpurnia’s life while she is around blacks versus the life she has while she is around the Finch’s. The next shoe will be words, symbols, or animals to explain personality traits about my character. The shoe I am going to explain first is the one showing the symbols, words, quotes, and animals. I have included a drawing of a dolphin which represents trust, loyalty, and the spirit of friendship. I believe this goes with Calpurnia because Atticus trusts her and she is very loyal to the Finch family and she is also a very friendly person to the people in the Finch’s neighborhood. I have included a heart to show that she has a big heart and to show just how loving Calpurnia really is. Also there is another symbol on their which symbolizes respect, something which I think Calpurnia shows a lot of throughout the book. There is also a various amount of words placed on the shoe to describe her. There is also some quotes that go with some of the words as an example. For the second shoe I have placed a quote on the top of the front, which describes what I have done with the shoe. One half of the show represents Calpurnia in her own community and some roles she plays. I have added brown splotches which represent the dirty conditions the blacks face not having the same amount of money that the whites do. The other half shows Calpurnia’s role she plays in the Finch’s community. I added flowers to that side of the shoe to represent the cleanliness and neatness of the community. I have placed my shoes somewhat hanging off the box to represent how Calpurnia’s society believes she is acting and becoming more and more of a “white folk” everyday. I also added a spatula on the box to show that Cal prepares food for the Finch’s for every meal of the day. There is also some pictures on the sides of the box to show how she was a “maid” also pictures of a dust pan and broom to show how she also cleaned up for the Finch’s too.

Atticus said climbing in one’s skin will be a way to better your understanding of them. Now that I have done that I have a better understanding of Calpurnia and why she is the way she is. Although Calpurnia does have two completely different life situations she does a very good job of keeping her home life and her work life separated.